Naomi Larsen | Board Chair

Manager | Chetwynd & District Chamber of Commerce

Following 27+ years in journalism, focusing on small community newspapers,  Naomi Larsen accepted the position of the Executive Director of the Chetwynd Chamber of Commerce in 2017. Arriving in Chetwynd in 2006 with a five-year plan, Naomi is now marking her 17th year in the Peace and has loved every single one.   In addition to her full-time career,  Naomi is the Chair of the Community Futures Peace Liard, a director on the South Peace Mackenzie Trust and the Communications and marketing director for the BC Chamber Executives. Born and raised in Northern Ontario, she is no stranger to the challenges of a northern climate or a northern community.  She also loves food, shoes, the Muppets, her cat, her kids and her spouse….although not necessarily in that order.