Financial Information

The financial information section of your business plan is like the skeleton upon which all of the other parts hang. It will act as your progress report and benchmark for success. There are several worksheets included in this section that can be downloaded and printed off, or enter the lists into a spreadsheet for first-time and on-going planning.

There are three essential steps in creating your basic financial plan:

» Start-Up Expenses Worksheet
» Cash Flow Statement (Download Excel Document)
» Income Statement (Download Excel Document)

If you are creating a business plan for an ongoing business, include financial statements from previous years:

» Balance Sheet (Download  Excel Document)
» Income Statement (Download  Excel Document)
» Aged List of Payables
» Aged List of Receivables
» Summary of Inventory / Capital Equipment or Assets Value

Other tools that are useful for different types of businesses are:

» Advertising Worksheet (Word Document)
» Break Even Analysis (Excel Document)
» Statement of Net Worth (Excel Document)