Think Local First Program

Why Think Local First?

Local, independently owned businesses create quality jobs and stronger communities. Each dollar that is spent at a local business recirculates within the community families, friends and neighbors benefit. By supporting local, independent businesses, community businesses remain strong and vibrant.

Put Your Money Where Your Heart Is

Support your friends and neighbours. Invest in our community; help to create a stronger and healthier community by keeping our money here.

What Goes Around Comes Around

Two or three times as much money spent stays in the local economy when you buy goods and services from locally-owned businesses rather than chain stores.

Community Sustainability Benefits Everyone

Local stores help sustain vibrant, compact and walk-able downtown centres, which in turn are essential for keeping communities green.

Keep Our Community Unique

One-of-a-kind businesses are an integral part of the distinctive character of the community.

Create Collective Prosperity

Local businesses invest more in local labour, pay more local taxes, spend more time on community-based decisions, and participate in local events. In doing so, they create more opportunities for all of us.

Local Owners Care About Their Community

Local business owners live in the community. They are less likely to leave and are more invested in the future of our whole community.

Give Back by Supporting Local Charities

Local business owners make more local purchases themselves. They and their employees are also statistically more likely to donate to local charities.

Personalized Service and Unique Products

Some of the biggest perks of shopping local are the personalized customer service and the unique, hand-crafted items you come across.

View our Think Local – Shop Local Promo Videos

The ability we all have to support our hometown’s brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, cousins, neighbors, friends — all the people who make our community a wonderful place to live — will always be worth the collective time and effort.