Section Four: Distribution Strategy
Distribution Strategy
In order to develop a good distribution strategy, these factors should be considered:
Product Distribution
Your analysis of your market will help you to determine the most appropriate method for distributing your product or service to the target market which you have identified.
Your channel of distribution may involve the following:
Materials Handling
Design a system for materials handling that takes into account warehousing or storage needs for products, packaging, labelling and bar coding if necessary.
Processing of Orders
Establish a system for processing orders including forms for job estimates, if appropriate, and purchase order forms.
Delivery of Products and Services
Determine your method of transportation for delivery of products and services. Ensure that you have reliable resources with a backup plan in place in case of emergency.
Distribution Channel
Prepare a flowchart for your channel of distribution outlining key transactions which occur in the process.
Your flowchart should identify the location for all transactions and the name of each contact person at each critical point.
Complete your flowchart by indicating the time involved for each component of your distribution strategy.
Ensure that solid relationships are nurtured with all people involved in the distribution process. These relationships will have an impact on the successful delivery and sales of your products.
Click on Worksheet 4.8 (Word Document) to complete your distribution plans.